My Freighter (C6, Tashkent International) has acquired a B757-200(PCF) from Titan Aviation Holdings. The aircraft is due to ferry into Uzbekistan in February. It is the carrier's first B757 and will take its overall fleet count to 14.
"This type will serve the regional destinations synergising with our B767F and emphasising the Silk Route strategy created by our chairman," fleet management chief Ahmed Eid revealed on LinkedIn.
He added that the airline wants to capitalise on Tashkent's location as a halfway point between Asia and Europe, thereby reducing costs and travel time for clients' cargo.
Titan Aviation, a subsidiary of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, holds three B757-200(PCF)s in its portfolio, according to ch-aviation fleets data. All three are in storage at different airports in the United States.
ch-aviation has contacted My Freighter and Titan Aviation for further details about the aircraft.
Privately-owned My Freighter was founded in 2020 and has grown steadily ever since. Its current fleet includes four A320-200s, one A321-200N, one A321-200NX, one ACJ319-100, four B767-300ER(BCF)s, and two B767-300ER(BDSF)s. Its passenger-configured aircraft operate charter and scheduled flights, under the carrier's virtual passenger brand, Centrum Air.