Frequently Asked Questions on ch-aviation - News

ch-aviation offers you a very user friendly interface targeted at consumers, professionals and enthusiasts alike to search, read and discuss general, route network or management changes news articles for both, commercial and business aviation. We have answered the most frequently asked questions below and hope this will address any immediate questions you may have on our aircraft section of the site:


Which news are covered?

We cover news from both the commercial and business aviation sectors, including general updates, route network changes, and management changes.


How do I use the news search form?

You can combine any of the search criteria on the form and select if you would like to see general news, route network changes or management changes. When you use the operator filter, you can either type in the carrier name or IATA/ICAO code of the operator, for the airport filter you can enter either city/airport name or the IATA/ICAO code of the airport. If you for example search for operator “AF” (Air France) and Airport “JNB” (Johannesburg), then the news search result will show any news records containing Air France and Johannesburg (as a destination for example).


How can I create Favorites List?

Click on Operator profile and mark the star next to Operator's name. This will open a small pop-up allowing you to add operator to a Favorites List. 


How can I filter news to show my favorite operators only?

First create a list of your favorite opertators. Then, from the News Search function, choose appropriate list name from List/Favorites drop down menu. Click search and there you are. 


How can I set up the News Alerts?

These alerts will be sent via email and based on the user’s saved News Searches, saved Operator Searches, and Favourites Lists. Click here to learn how to set them up: