Abu Dhabi Aviation (BAR, Abu Dhabi International) has expressed a strong interest in partnering the Government of Kerala in establishing and operating the stalled Air Kerala (2012) (Kochi International) project.

Air Kerala has been on the drawing board for around 13 years. It is envisaged to be a Public-Private Partnership wherein the Kerala state would own a 26% stake while Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) and other public sector firms would control the remaining 74%. The airline would seek to operate international flights between Kochi International and points in the Middle East, catering primarily to expatriate Indian workers. However, the project has been hamstrung by existing federal regulations that only permit airlines to start flights abroad once they have been in service for five years at least.

According to The New Indian Express, Abu Dhabi Aviation has reached out to the state's government with an offer to equip Air Kerala with the technical know-how while at the same time, facilitate the lease or purchase of aircraft.

A letter sent by the Emirati carrier's Accountable Manager Mark Pierotti said that in return, Abu Dhabi Aviation would require the state to give Air Kerala preferred status and preferential treatment at all airports, thus enabling it to qualify for grants and concessions.

The carrier, which focusses on fixed- and rotary-winged operations, as well as aircraft leasing, is also keen to establish helicopter-based medevac services and an international aviation academy. It is also keen to partner Kannur International Airport in the establishment of an MRO base.